If you're looking for Beavers Game Day information, start right here! We've got a roundup of information for parking, transportation, tailgating and more. Be sure to also visit OSUBeavers.com, your resource for tickets, game times, fan information, and more.
OSU Athletics runs a game day shuttle with three routes and stops in downtown, along 9th Street, and from the Benton County Fairgrounds. It's $5 per person for a round trip ride, and kids 12 and under ride for free. The shuttles start running three hours before kickoff and run every fifteen minutes (estimated, based on traffic) until kickoff. The shuttles start running again at halftime, and run until an hour after the game ends.
OSUBeavers.com will always have the most up-to-date schedule for home and away games. Click here to see the 2024-2025 Football schedule.
OSU Football Home Games
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